Monday, April 6, 2009

Top 5 Tips On How To Look Like Those Shirtless Male Celebrities

Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Zac Efron, Justin Timberlake, what do these people all have in common: they are all male, good looking, famous, but most of all, they are pictures of these people shirtless. Male celebrities, just like their female counterparts, are equally objectified as objects of sexual desire. And whatever a woman might say, they all find well built bodies attractive. Once I knew this girl who said she hated those over muscular macho types. She finds them scary. Now this is also true. A lot of girls in some cultures find muscular men to be scary, as if they might get too roughed up in sex. So does this mean that not all women life muscles? I don’t think so.

Just think about how male celebrities make it in Hollywood. At one point or another, these stars will have to pose Shirtless. Male celebrities ALL have some shirtless picture floating around in the internet. Good looks must come with a good body. This is the best formula to get famous and be a successful star because girls love a good body and men won’t respect you (as an action star) if you look pudgy. It’s endemic of modern society, sure, but if you want girls, the easiest way is to look like these shirtless Male Celebrities.

How to achieve the look of shirtless male celebrities

1. First of all, you need to look more closely at how these guys actually look like. Overcome the disgust or the fear that people in the dentist’s waiting room might think your gay. Pick up that magazine with that shirtless model in the cover and stare at it. Stare at it and pay attention!

2. Notice how they’re muscles look clean and toned. Notice how they never overly muscular. Except perhaps for Arnold Schwarzenegger, no one successful guy in Hollywood would work out to look like a freaking dinosaur. The overly muscular types are what women run away from. They tend to look like ogres. People would stereotypically assume that a guy that pumped up with testosterone beats his wife and kids (think of the late Chris Benoit).

3. Also notice how lean these guys look. They may be big, but their fat is down to a minimum. This is why those muscles look so well defined. If you’ve got a lot of muscles but also have a lot of fat, those muscles won’t show so clearly.

4. Now that the image of how you should look like shirtless male celebrities is burned directly to your neural cortex, start doing the hard sweaty work of, well of working out. There are a hundred million easy exercise and diet tips in the internet, Google them up. As if you didn’t already know that. Fyi, a lot of these exercise instructions are cheap and do not require expensive exercise machines.

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