Monday, April 6, 2009

The Haves Verses The Have Not’s

Recently I overheard a couple of guys at the sports bar discussing the lawsuit that has been brought against the now famous Albert Haynesworth, who just signed a multimillion dollar deal with the Washington Redskins. I almost laughed because their conversation could have been about politics, Wall Street and the banking industry or Health Care.

You see we have the perceived “haves” and the “have not’s”. I say perceived because we really don’t always know for sure who the haves or have nots are but we do know the perception. The haves are the Albert Haynesworth’s, the Republicans, the CEO’s of Wall Street and the banks as well as the Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies.

The have not’s are the rest of us who do not fall into the have category. I believe there are more have not’s these days than haves.

The Haves argument: the haves have and deserve to have because of education, talent, family status, shred business dealings and the have not’s are just whiners who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They need to understand that they will never be a have and just roll over and die somewhere! (Yes, I am taking some liberties here)

The Have Not’s argument: the haves may have but they also lie to their mother, cheat on their wives, steal from each other and take advantage of the have not’s any way they possibly can. Just because the haves have, doesn’t mean that the have not’s shouldn’t fight for their right to become a have!

Whew, this could get bloody!

I sat sipping on a beer just waiting to see which one of these guys would give in and concede that the other one was right; or was I watching the unmovable object against the unstoppable force? One was convinced that the young man that Haynesworth had crashed into was playing it up for all it was worth and just wanted a pile of cash.

The other guy argued that if Haynesworth was responsible at all, and he admitted hitting the guy’s car, he should have to pay for the medical bills and any rehabilitation; and it would help if he showed a little remorse; that’s what anyone should do.

So after a while they turned to a different subject completely but I wanted to see what really happened and looked it up online. The bottom line is Albert Haynesworth was going over 100mph when he crashed into Corey Edmondson’s door sending him into a concrete barricade. I mean the guy had to be cut out of the car! Cory has had several surgeries including a hip replacement and the medical bills that go with it! They are now around $230,000 and continue to grow daily.

Conclusion: Wall Street and the Bankers got bailed out; Health Insurance Companies (AIG) got bailed out; Republicans got voted out; but the guy Haynesworth hit, Corey Edmondson, is stuck unless the rest of us, the haves and the have not’s, help a guy out. In the mean time; Mr. Haynesworth, give us all a break and do the right thing by this guy!

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